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Music and the Poetics of Production in the Bolivian Andes

  • Author: Stobart, Henry



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  • Contents: Part I Creating Context
  • Introduction: the poetics of production: Worlds of sound: energy, weeping and feeding: the background to music
  • Orchestrating the year: seasonal alternation, calendars,and power. Part II Guitars and Song: Fabricating tradition and the Macha groove: guitars, artisans, seasonality and performance
  • Marrying the mountain and the production of people: songs of courtship and marriage. Part III The Music of a Year
  • May - June Violent harmony and the making of men: julajula panpipes and harvest time
  • June - October Cacophony, community and the water war: saints, siku panpipes, and miraculous 'renewal'
  • November - January Invoking the dead and crying for rain:souls, flutes, llamas and compassion
  • January - February/March Disembodied voices and dancing potatoes: carnival, devils, sirens, musical creation and new potatoes. Part IV Kacharpaya - 'despatch': The fragile community: epilogue
  • Appendices
  • Character glossary
  • Glossary
  • Bibliography
  • Index.