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The International Handbook of Art Therapy in Palliative and Bereavement Care

The International Handbook of Art Therapy in Palliative and Bereavement Care

  • Editor: Jacobson, Rebecca
  • Editor: Wood, Michele



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  • List of Figures List of Tables Preface Foreword SECTION ONE: ART THERAPY WITH INDIVIDUALS Chapter 1 Deepening the Inner World: When Art Therapy Meets Spiritual Needs
  • Chapter 2 The Spiritual in Art Therapy at the End Of Life
  • Chapter 3 Snapshot of Practice: Art Therapy and Acquired Visual Loss
  • Chapter 4 Art Therapy and Juvenile NCL
  • Chapter 5 Blurry Vision: Introducing Art Therapy to Palliative Care Patients
  • Chapter 6 Snapshot of Practice: A Case of Individual Art Therapy
  • Chapter 7a Religious Practice in Russia, Medical Settings, And End of Life Rituals
  • Chapter 7b Addressing End of Life Care, Loss, And Bereavement in The Russian Federation
  • Chapter 8 Stillbirth: Mourning Unspeakable Loss with Art Therapy And EMDR
  • Chapter 9 The Empathic Mirror: Healing Grief and Loss Through Portrait Therapy at End of Life
  • Chapter 10 Utilizing Tablet Computers in Art Therapy for Young People with Chronic and Life-Limiting Illnesses
  • Chapter 11 Connecting and Belonging: Using Technology for Art Therapy in Palliative Care
  • Chapter 12 Snapshot of Practice: Art Therapy in Hospice: The Florence Experience in Italy
  • SECTION TWO: ART THERAPY FOR GROUPS, FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES Chapter 13 Snapshot of Practice: Art Therapy in Paediatric Oncology
  • Chapter 14 Art Therapy, Community Engagement, & Living and Dying
  • Chapter 15 A Chorus of Angels, the Ripple of Water, and the Weight of Stone: Art Therapy and Artwork which Cradle both Family Carers and their Relative with Dementia
  • Chapter 16 Snapshot of Practice: Researching the Outcomes of Art Therapy For Caregivers Of Patients At End-Of-Life
  • Chapter 17 Wading in Knee Deep - The Art Therapist in Different End-Of-Life Settings
  • Chapter 18 Coming Up for Air: Art Therapy with Children Affected by Childhood Cancer
  • Chapter 19 An Art Therapist's Approach to Total Pain
  • Chapter 20 The Power of Creative Expression and Ritual: Integrating Art Therapy into A Bereavement Camp
  • Chapter 21 Saying Goodbye: Grieving Families
  • Chapter 22 'Time to Unwind': Meitheal at the Crossroads - An Open Art Therapy and Music Therapy Group on the Specialist Palliative Care Inpatient Unit
  • Chapter 23 Group Art Therapy using Telemedicine Technology for Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy
  • Chapter 24 Snapshot of Practice: Mind-Body Art Grief Group
  • Chapter 25 Beginning at The End
  • 26 Snapshot of Practice: Private Practice Art Therapy in Dubai
  • Chapter 27 Art Therapy in Prison Hospice: A Compassionate Bridge
  • Chapter 28 Killing Time: The Dying Art Therapy Group in A High Secure Hospital
  • Chapter 29 Disenfranchised Grief: The Impact of Grief In The Military
  • Chapter 30 Feeling the Pulse: An Art Therapist's Response To Tragedy
  • Chapter 31 Communitas & Soul-Healing: Arts Therapy Within the Loss-Upon-Loss of Natural Disaster
  • Chapter 32 Snapshot of Practice: Notes on Palliative Care Art Therapy in Singapore
  • Chapter 33 Healing Wounds - Meeting Maori At End of Life
  • Chapter 34 Art Therapy's Contribution to Alleviating the HIV Burden in South Africa
  • Chapter 35 Narratives East West - Art Therapy in A Hospice in Northern India: A Patchwork of Cross-Cultural Encounters GLOSSARY Appendix ART THERAPY ASSOCIATIONS WORLDWIDE LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Index