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Routledge International Handbook of Therapeutic Stories and Storytelling

Routledge International Handbook of Therapeutic Stories and Storytelling

  • Editor: Holmwood, Clive
  • Editor: Jacksties, Sharon
  • Editor: Jennings, Sue



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  • Foreword
  • Paul Animbom Ngong
  • Introduction
  • Clive Holmwood
  • Part 1 Covid 19 A storied Response
  • Introduction to Part 1
  • 1 Making a Story out of a Crisis - A Response to Covid-19
  • A Dramatic Perspective
  • Clive Holmwood
  • 2 The stories of Siddhartha and Captain Tom: A thousand lifetimes apart but connecting us together
  • Drew Bird
  • 3 Doorways to the Deathlands - The Imaginal Seeing of Story.
  • Mary Smail
  • 4 Storytelling for Disability in Covid-19
  • Aurora Piaggesi, Giulia Bini, Silvia Carpi, Barbara Parrini and Stefania Bargagna
  • 5 Don't let corona become our only story
  • Arjen Barel
  • Part 2 Stories & Therapeutic Texts
  • Introduction to Part 2
  • 6 Through the Fairy Door .......... to the Land of Stories
  • A journey through your imagination
  • Sue Jennings
  • 7 Through the Looking glass: six pitfalls in story-work
  • Alida Gersie
  • 8 Structuring The Therapist's Role: An Exploration Of Sophocles' Play King Oedipus
  • Marina Jenkyns
  • 9 Oral Storytelling isn't Dead, it's Just Gone to Slip into Something More Comfortable
  • Steve Stickley
  • 10 Shakespeare Un-Barr'd
  • Rowan Mckenzie
  • 11 Healing through the Mahabharata
  • Kavita Arora and Raghu Ananthanarayanan
  • 12 I'm going on a Bear Hunt', Neuro-dramatic Play, Multi-Sensory Informed, Storytelling Approaches to Working with Children Under Five.
  • Clive Holmwood
  • 13 Myth - Drama- Narrative- Performance
  • Stelios Krasanakis
  • 14 Creativity and Power in Sicilian Spirit:
  • The Stories of Giufa, The Wise and The Fool.
  • Salvo Pitruzzella
  • Part 3 Stories & Therapeutic Texts in Educational, Social and Community Contexts
  • Introduction to Part 3
  • 15 The Use of Storytelling as a Pedagogic Tool in the English Language Classroom
  • Sarah Telfer
  • 16 Callers and Hearers: Song, Orality, Orature and Aurality in African theatre performance
  • Vincent Meyburgh, Ntombi Mkhasibe and Joce Engelbrecht
  • 17 Beyond the Happy Ever Afters' - The use of story in Community Theatre
  • Richard Vergette
  • 18 A Cypriot story
  • Seniha Nasit Gurcag
  • 19 A Personal Journey to 'The Clever Mountain Girl'
  • Lenka Fisherova, Ilona Labutova
  • 20 Changing the world through stories of change
  • The work of Openstorytellers 2004-2019
  • Nicola Grove
  • 21 From Isolation to Integration and Advocacy: Healing and Empowerment through Storytelling
  • Lani Peterson
  • 22 Seeking a common ground - Storywork and Social Healing
  • Inger Lise Oelrich
  • 23 Janare' and 'caporabballi': The magic and splendour of Irpinia through stories of witches, dance leaders and sacred pigs.
  • Josephine F Discepolo Ahmadi
  • 24 Adapting the Oral Tale for the Moral Transformation of the Developing Child and Youths Adapting Yomandene and the Stubborn Son from Tale to Play
  • Victor Jong Taku
  • Part 4 - Stories & Therapeutic Texts in Health and Therapy Contexts
  • Introduction to Part 4
  • 25 The Body Politic - An account of a therapeutic storytelling practice with torture survivors
  • Sharon Jacksties
  • 26 I believe in Unicorns ...
  • Silviana Bonadei
  • 27 Clay Stories, Crafting Spirit and Soul
  • Lynne Souter-Anderson
  • 28 Metamyth' (c) Therapy through the Arts in Museums - A Personal Journey Through Story
  • Thalia Valeta
  • 29 Stories in crisis and Traumatic situations
  • Mooli Lahad
  • 30 The Laying on of Ears
  • Mary Louise Chown
  • 31 Storytelling and Play - How storytelling and play can be used therapeutically with people with a learning disability.
  • Jem Dick
  • 32 A Trans-cultural perspective on life story therapy with adoptive foster and kinship families, using the "Theatre of Attachment" model
  • Joan Moore
  • 33 Fostering Storytellers: Helping Foster Carers to build attachments and enhance emotional literacy through stories and oral storytelling.
  • Steve Killick
  • 34 The power of storytelling for people living with dementia
  • Alice Liddell Allen
  • 35 Exploring the dynamics of story in dementia research: Storytelling constructs that support people with dementia to share their experiences of what it means to live with dementia
  • Alison Ward
  • 36 Zen Stories To Inspire Imagination In A Client With Vascular Dementia
  • Ravindra Ranasinha
  • Part 5 - Stories
  • 37 An International Story Anthology
  • Sharon Jacksties
  • 38 Everything That We Can Remember
  • How to create a safe environment through a poetic story.
  • An Introduction to Forest of Lost Memories
  • Alenka Vidrih
  • The Forest Of Lost Memories
  • Katja Gorecan
  • Afterword
  • Appendix