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The Routledge International Handbook of Embodied Perspectives in Psychotherapy: Approaches from Dance Movement and Body Psychotherapies

The Routledge International Handbook of Embodied Perspectives in Psychotherapy: Approaches from Dance Movement and Body Psychotherapies

  • Editor: Fuchs, Thomas
  • Editor: Koch, Sabine
  • Editor: Payne, Helen
  • Editor: Tantia, Jennifer



Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days


  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • List of Contributors
  • Foreword by Don Hanlon Johnson
  • Foreword by Vassiliki Karkou
  • Foreword by Babette Rothchild
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Introduction to Embodied Perspectives in Psychotherapy: Helen Payne, UK; Sabine Koch, Germany; Jennifer Tantia, USA; and Thomas Fuchs, Germany
  • Section One: Overview of Concepts
  • Introduction to Section
  • Essential Dimensions of Being a Body - Maxine Sheets-Johnstone, USA
  • Narrratives in Embodied Therapeutic Practice: Getting the story straight - Shaun Gallagher, USA and Daniel D. Hutto, Australia
  • Towards a Clinical Theory of Embodiment: A model for the conceptualization and treatment of mental illness - Jessica Acolin, USA
  • The Evidence for Basic Assumptions of Dance Movement Therapy and Body Psychotherapy Related to Findings from Embodiment Research - Johannes Michalak, Naomi Lyons, and Thomas Heidenreich, Germany
  • Having a Body and Moving your Body: Distinguishing somatic psychotherapy from dance/movement therapy - Jennifer Tantia, USA
  • Section Two: Theory and Practice in Dance Movement Psychotherapy
  • Introduction to Section
  • A Developmental Taxonomy of Interaction Modalities in Dance Movement Therapy - Marianne Eberhard-Kaechele, Germany
  • Witnessing Practice: In the eyes of the beholder - Tina Stromsted, USA
  • Somatic Body Mapping with Women During Life Transitions - Annette Schwalbe, UK and Kenya
  • Gravity in the Development of the (Body) Self in Dance Movement Psychotherapy - Diana Cheney, UK
  • Dance Movement Therapy: Building resilience from shared movement experiences - Rosemarie Samaritter, The Netherlands
  • Interrupted Rhythms: Dance/movement therapy's contributions to suicide prevention - Susan D. Imus, USA
  • Body as Voice: Restorative dance/movement psychotherapy with survivors of relational trauma - Amber Gray, USA
  • Playing Through Dancing Stories - Sylvie Garnero, France
  • Psychological Re-sources in Integral Dance and Dance/Movement Therapy - Alexander Girshon and Ekaterina Karatygina, Russia
  • Mother-Son Transgenerational Transmission of Eating Issues in a Co-treatment Method using the Ways of Seeing Approach - Suzi Tortora and Jennifer Whitley, USA
  • The BodyMind Approach and People Affected by Medically Unexplained Symptoms /Somatic Symptom Disorder - Helen Payne, UK
  • The Disturbance of the Psychosomatic Balance - Haguit Ehrenfreund, Switzerland
  • Modulating Verbal and Non-Verbal Languages in Dance Movement Psychotherapy: Moving conversations with adult patients in private practice -Teresa Bas, Spain; Diana Fischman, Argentina; and Rosa M Rodriguez, Spain
  • The Importance of Subtle Movement and Stillness in Japanese Dance Movement Therapy: A comparison with the Japanese traditional performing art of 'Noh' - Miyuki Kaji, Japan
  • Embodiment of Space in Relation to the Self and Others in Psychotherapy: Boundlessness, emptiness, fullness, and betweenness - Rainbow Ho, Hong Kong
  • From the Alps to the Pyramids: Swiss and Egyptian perspectives on dance movement therapy -Iris Brauninger, Switzerland and Radwa Said Abdelazim Elfeqi, Egypt
  • Section Three: Theory and Practice in Body Psychotherapy
  • Introduction to Section
  • Relating Through the Body: Self, other and the wider world - Gill Westland, UK
  • Functional Relaxation in Psychosomatic Medicine - Ursula Bartholomew and Ingrid Herholz, Germany
  • The Art of Bottom-Up Processing: Mindfulness, meaning and self-compassion in body psychotherapy - Halko Weiss and Maci Daye, Germany
  • Embodied-Relational Therapy - Nick Totton, UK
  • Four Forms of Knowledge in Biosynthesis Therapy - David Boadella, Switzerland
  • The Relational Turn in Body Psychotherapy - Michael Soth, UK
  • Emotional Regulation in Body Psychotherapy - Ulfried Geuter, Germany
  • The Embodiment of Dreams: Exploring mind/body connecting devices - Michel Coster Heller and Gillat Burckhardt-Bartov, France
  • The Therapist's Body and the Intersubjectivities of the Unconscious -Tom Warnecke, UK
  • Being Moved to Tears: Somatic and motoric aspects of self-disclosure - Asaf Rolef Ben-Shahar, Israel
  • Oppression and Embodiment in Psychotherapy - Rae Johnson, USA
  • Micromovements: Filling out the movement continuum in clinical practice - Christine Caldwell, USA
  • Safety in Psychotherapy: The body matters - Helma Mair, Ireland
  • Touch and Embodiment: Body-oriented psychotherapeutic applications of clinical touch - Michael Changaris, USA
  • Traumatic Dis-embodiment: Effects of trauma on body perception and body image - Maurizio Stupiggia, Italy
  • Research Informing Body Psychotherapy Clinical Work: A spotlight on emotions - Margit Koemeda-Lutz, Switzerland
  • Appendix
  • Index