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Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy

Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy

Excellent … offers a sophisticated exploration of both the richness and the strangeness of the chorus as a phenomenon of ancient Greek culture



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  • 1. Introduction: the chorus in the middle Renaud Gagné and Marianne Hopman;
  • 2. Choral polyphony and the ritual functions of tragic songs Claude Calame;
  • 3. Chorus, conflict, closure in Aeschylus' Persians Marianne Hopman;
  • 4. Choral intertemporality in the Oresteia Jonas Grethlein;
  • 5. Choreography: the lyric voice of Sophoclean tragedy Simon Goldhill;
  • 6. Conflicting identities in the Euripidean chorus Laura Swift;
  • 7. The choral plot of Euripides' Helen Sheila Murnaghan;
  • 8. Transcultural chorality: Iphigenia in Tauris and Athenian imperial economics Barbara Kowalzig;
  • 9. Maenadism as self-referential chorality in Euripides' Bacchae Anton Bierl;
  • 10. The Delian maidens and their relevance to choral mimesis in Classical drama Gregory Nagy;
  • 11. Choral persuasions in Plato's Laws Lucia Prauscello;
  • 12. The comic chorus and the demagogue Jeffrey Henderson;
  • 13. Dancing letters: the Alphabetic Tragedy of Kallias Renaud Gagné;
  • 14. Choral dialectics: Hölderlin and Hegel Joshua Billings;
  • 15. Enter and exit the chorus: dance in Britain, 1880–1914 Fiona Macintosh;
  • 16. 'The thorniest problem and the greatest opportunity': directors on directing the Greek chorus Peter Meineck.