Special offer. The English Orpheus 49 - Nativity
Christmas Music from Georgian England
The Parley of Instruments, Psalmody, Peter Holman
Original price ($16.75) Reduced price $8.37Contents
Fawcett: Strike! Seraphs, strike your harps of gold 'A New Christmas Piece'
- The Parley of Instruments, Psalmody
- Peter Holman
Stephenson, J: Arise and hail the sacred day 'A Carol'
- Psalmody
- Peter Holman
Marsh, W: The branch, the mighty branch behold 'Nativity'
- The Parley of Instruments, Psalmody
- Peter Holman
Hill, John: The people that walked in darkness 'An Anthem'
- The Parley of Instruments, Psalmody
- Peter Holman
Madan: Lo! He comes with clouds descending
- Luke Green (organ)
- Psalmody
- Peter Holman
Cooke, B: Ode for Christmas
- Claire Tomlin (soprano), Timothy Kenworthy-Brown (countertenor), Patrick McCarthy (tenor)
- The Parley of Instruments
- Peter Holman
Angelic hymns thy natal day
Adams, T: Variations on Adeste Fideles
- Luke Green (organ)
Key: Come celebrate th' auspicious morn 'A Carol'
- The Parley of Instruments, Psalmody
- Peter Holman
Taylor, R: Hosanna to King David's son 'Hosannah'
- Philippa Hyde (soprano), Timothy Kenworthy-Brown (countertenor), Patrick McCarthy (tenor), Julian Perkins (bass), Luke Green (organ)
- Peter Holman
Tremain: In Bethlem fields as shepherds kept 'Hymn for Christmas Day'
- The Parley of Instruments, Psalmody
- Peter Holman