Cristóbal de Morales - Missa Si bona suscepimus
The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips
The Tallis Scholars move into new territory for them: Cristóbal de Morales is perhaps the most admired Spanish composer of all time, to judge from the distribution and longevity of his works.... — More…
Audio formats guideContents
Verdelot: Si bona suscepimus
Work length6:56
- The Tallis Scholars
- Peter Phillips
Morales, C: Missa Si bona suscepimus
Work length40:56
- The Tallis Scholars
- Peter Phillips
Track length4:54
Track length6:45
Track length12:51
Sanctus & Benedictus
Track length8:22
Agnus Dei
Track length8:04
Crecquillon: Andreas Christi famulus
Work length8:03
- The Tallis Scholars
- Peter Phillips