Hector Berlioz - Early Vocal Recordings
A selection of vocal music from the first fifty years or so of recording
Edmond Clément, Berthe Auguez de Montalant, Pol Plançon, Maurice Renaud, Giovanni Malipiero, Germaine Martinelli, Emilio de Gogorza, Giorgina Caprile, Giuseppe Krismer, Giovanni Zenatello, Georges Thill, Louis Morturier, Jean Planel, Georgette Frozier-Marrot, Ella Tordek & Luise Höfer
Audio formats guideContents
- Edmond Clement and Anonymous, Edmond Clement
- Recorded: 1916
Les nuits d'ete, Op. 7: No. 4. Absence
- Richard Mayr and Anonymous, Richard Mayr
- Recorded: 1911
Benvenuto Cellini, Op. 23, Act II: A tous peches pleine indulgence (Sung in German)
- Berthe Auguez de Montalant and Anonymous, Berthe Auguez de Montalant
Romeo et Juliette, Op. 17, Part I: Introduction: Strophes: Premier Transports
- Maurice Renaud and Anonymous, Pol Plancon and Anonymous, Maurice Renaud, Pol Plancon
La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, Act I: Chanson de la puce
La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, Part II: Voici des roses
- Giovanni Malipiero and Anonymous, Giovanni Malipiero
La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, Part III: Merci, doux crepuscule!, "Faust's Aria" (Sung in Italian)
- Germaine Martinelli and Anonymous, Emilio de Gogorza and Anonymous, Emilio de Gogorza, Germaine Martinelli
- Recorded: 1930
La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, Part III: Autrefois un roi de Thule, "The King of Thule"
La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, Part III: Devant la maison, "Serenade of Mephistopheles"
- Giorgina Caprile, Giuseppe Krismer and Anonymous, Giovanni Zenatello and Anonymous, Giorgina Caprile, Giovanni Zenatello, Giuseppe Krismer
La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, Part III: Ange adore (Sung in Italian)
La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, Part I: Adieu, donc belle nuit (Sung in Italian)
- Georges Thill and Anonymous, Germaine Martinelli and Anonymous, Georges Thill, Germaine Martinelli
- Recorded: 1930
La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, Part IV: Romance: D'amour l'ardente flamme
La damnation de Faust, Op. 24, Part IV: Nature immense, impenetrable, "Invocation to Nature"
- Louis Morturier and Anonymous, Jean Planel and Anonymous, Louis Morturier, Jean Planel
L'enfance du Christ, Op. 25, Part I, "Le songe d'Herode": Toujours ce reve
L'enfance du Christ, Op. 25, Part II, "La fuite en Egypte": Le repos de la Sainte Famille
- Georgette Frozier-Marrot and Anonymous, Georges Thill and Anonymous, Georgette Frozier-Marrot, Georges Thill
Les Troyens, Act I: Chers Tyriens
Les Troyens, Act III: Inutiles regrets
Les Troyens, Act IV: Adieu fiere cite
- Ella Tordek, Luise Höfer and Anonymous, Ella Tordek, Luise Höfer
- Recorded: 1907
Beatrice and Benedict, Act I: Nuit paisible et sereine (Sung in German)