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Special offer. Charpentier, M-A: Te Deum, H146, etc.

Le Parlement de Musique, Martin Gester

The buoyant orchestral playing here is a delight, and the solo singers make a fine contribution. But the children's voices on the treble line of La Maîtrise de Bretagne lack the necessary project. More…

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Charpentier, M-A: Te Deum, H146

Work length22:02
  • Brigitte Chevigne (soprano), Francois-Nicolas Geslot (alto), Salome Haller (soprano), Arnaud Marzorati (baritone), Stephan van Dyck (tenor)
  • Maitrise de Bretagne, Parlement du Musique, Le
  • Martin Gester

Prelude en Rondeau

Track length1:20

Te Deum laudamus

Track length1:20

Te aeternum Patrem

Track length1:45

Pleni sunt coeli

Track length2:16

Te per orbem terrarum

Track length3:08

Tu, devicto mortis aculeo

Track length1:42

Tu ergo quaesumus

Track length2:08

Aeterna fac cum sanctis

Track length2:20

Dignare Domine

Track length1:53

Fiat misericordia

Track length1:34

In te Domine speravi

Track length2:36

Charpentier, M-A: In Honorem Sancti Ludovici Regis Galliae Canticum H.365

Work length14:21
  • Stephan van Dyck (tenor), Francois-Nicolas Geslot (alto), Brigitte Chevigne (soprano), Arnaud Marzorati (baritone), Salome Haller (soprano)
  • Parlement du Musique, Le, Maitrise de Bretagne
  • Martin Gester


Track length1:07

Dies tubae et clangoris

Track length0:51

Effundam indignationem meam

Track length1:03

Accingere gladio tuo

Track length1:33

Sagittae tuae sagittae potentis acutae

Track length1:05

Accingere galdio tuo

Track length1:10

Certamen forte dedisti mihi Domine

Track length2:19

Bonitatem fecisti Domine cum servo tuo

Track length2:00

Egredimini populi fideles

Track length0:43

Psallite regi nostro

Track length2:30

Charpentier, M-A: In honorem Sancti Ludovici Regis Galliae, H. 418

Work length11:26
  • Francois-Nicolas Geslot (alto), Brigitte Chevigne (soprano), Arnaud Marzorati (baritone), Salome Haller (soprano), Stephan van Dyck (tenor)
  • Parlement du Musique, Le, Maitrise de Bretagne
  • Martin Gester


Track length1:46

Languebat Ludovicus inter suorum cadavera

Track length1:10

Si placui in oculis tuis

Track length3:05

Accedite et admiramini

Track length2:09

Rex terrae, serve meus

Track length2:02

Plaudite populi, resonet tellus

Track length1:14

Charpentier, M-A: Psalmus David 75us, H. 206

Work length13:22
  • Stephan van Dyck (tenor), Francois-Nicolas Geslot (alto), Brigitte Chevigne (soprano), Arnaud Marzorati (baritone), Salome Haller (soprano)
  • Parlement du Musique, Le, Maitrise de Bretagne
  • Martin Gester

Prelude: Anime

Track length0:37

Notus in Judea Deus, In Israel magnum nomen ejus

Track length0:44

Ibi confregit potentias arcuum, scutum, gladium, et bellum

Track length1:41

Dormierunt somnum suum

Track length4:39

Tu terribilis es, et quis resistet tibi?

Track length2:07

Quoniam cogitatio hominis confitebitur tibi

Track length3:34