Plot in Fiction
Firebird Ensemble, Barrie Webb
[David Lefeber] has also given some enterprising projects a degree of permanence, such as the activities of the Firebird ensemble, formed in 1988 and conducted by Barry Webb, whose disc of contemporary... — More…
Audio formats guideContents
Correggia: Gia l'Eolia di Notte…
Work length7:26
- Firebird
- Barrie Webb
Francesconi: Viaggiatore Insonne
Work length10:14
- Alison Wells
- Firebird
- Barrie Webb
Scelsi: Kya
Work length15:25
- Roger Heaton
- Firebird
- Barrie Webb
I. —
Track length5:09
II. —
Track length7:04
III. —
Track length3:12
Gentile: In un Silenzio Ordinato
Work length7:56
- Firebird
- Barrie Webb
Maggi: Im finsteren Wald
Work length10:20
- Alison Wells
- Firebird
- Barrie Webb
Francesconi: Plot in Fiction
Work length8:49
- Christopher Redgate
- Firebird
- Barrie Webb