Le Roman de la Rose
Love Songs of the Romance of the Rose, France 13th-14th century
Sabine Lutzenberger (voice), Miller (hurdy gurdy & recorders), Romain (bagpipes) & Rumsey (vielle)
Everything flows and links beautifully; and the programme is interestingly planned...[Lutzenberger] has one of those voices that are perfectly designed for the recording studio: nothing can... — More…
Audio formats guideContents
Cysoing: Contre La Douce Saison (In the sweet springtime) - Quant l'aubespine florist
- Per-Sonat
anon.: En le mur vi je Haine (On the wall, I saw hatred)
- Per-Sonat
L'estat du monde (On the wall, I saw hatred)
trad.: Ou Vergier Qui Tant Me Plesoit (In the garden which delighted me)
- Per-Sonat
anon.: Li Dieus D'Amors (The god of love)
- Per-Sonat
Machaut: Biautez, Fleche a or Pointe (Beauty, golden arrow)
- Per-Sonat
Machaut: Fortune Qui Oncques N'est Seure (Inconstant Fortune)
- Per-Sonat
anon.: Quenui Rosiers Chargez de Rose (Within the rosebushes)
- Per-Sonat
anon.: Malebouche des Lors en ca a Encuser M'Encommenca (Malebouche pronounces her accusations)
- Per-Sonat
anon.: Le Feu Qui Fet La Gent Amer (The fire that sparks love)
- Per-Sonat
anon.: La Tres Felonne Ire de Faus Dangier (Dangier's evil wrath)
- Per-Sonat
anon.: La Nuit Besier Precieus (A Precious Kiss)
- Per-Sonat
Un Besier Precieus (A Precious Kiss)
Brunel de Tours: La Nuit Oscure et son Ennui (The dark night and her sorrows)
- Per-Sonat
anon.: La Tor de Jalousie (The tower of jealousy)
- Per-Sonat
Oede de la Couroierie: Or Revendront Pleur et Souprir, Longues Pansees Sanz Dormir (Tears and sighs shall return, sleepless memories)
- Per-Sonat