MacMillan: Miserere
Robert Farley (trumpet)
The Sixteen, Harry Christophers
One reason this disc makes such a resoundingly positive impression is that The Sixteen are thoroughly caught up in MacMillan's every the stage the singers are in focus technically... — More…
Audio formats guideContents
MacMillan: Miserere
Work length12:34
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Work length14:20
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Data est mihi omnis potestas
Track length3:48
Dominus dabit benignitatem
Track length4:33
Factus est repente
Track length2:37
O Radiant Dawn
Track length3:22
MacMillan: O bone Jesu
Work length10:15
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Work length22:32
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
Videns Dominus
Track length5:08
Lux aeterna
Track length3:47
In splendoribus sanctorum
Track length11:09
Benedicimus Deum caeli
Track length2:28
MacMillan: Tenebrae Responsories
Work length19:49
- The Sixteen
- Harry Christophers
I. Tenebrae factae sunt
Track length6:07
II. Tradiderunt me
Track length5:35
III. Jesum tradidit impius
Track length8:07