Ghostly Psalms
Donald Engstrom (narrator), Andy Lo (handbell), Philip Blackburn (electronics), Theresa Wong (cello), Lars Sjostedt (organ), Ellen Fullman (long string instrument), Maria Jette (soprano), Carrie Henneman Shaw (narrator), Gary Verkade (organ)
Dozens of Citizens of Duluth, Minnesota, Clare College...
The meat of the CD is the massive Ghostly Psalms...This is, in effect, a huge sound collage with all the ingredients of a weird dream: swirling stasis, ethereality, intimacy, intermittent intelligibility,... — More…
Audio formats guideContents
Blackburn: Duluth Harbor Serenade
Work length8:06
- Dozens of Citizens of Duluth, Minnesota
Blackburn: Ghostly Psalms
Work length50:21
- Philip Blackburn, Donald Engstrom, Carrie Henneman Shaw, Maria Jette, Theresa Wong, Andy Lo, Ellen Fullman, Gary Verkade, Lars Sjostedt
- Choir of Clare College Cambridge, Wild Music Chorus, Sisters of Notre Dame Convent
No. 1, Jungle Litany -
Track length13:20
No. 2, Draw On, Sweet Night -
Track length2:11
No. 3, Roots of a Magic Square -
Track length4:55
Blackburn: Gospel Jihad
Work length5:10
- Choir of King's College Cambridge
- Tim Brown