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Richard Burton reads John Donne

Richard Burton



Usually despatched in 4 - 5 working days


The Good Morrow

Work length1:24
  • Richard Burton

Song: Go and catch a falling star

Work length1:06
  • Richard Burton

The Rising Sun

Work length1:39
  • Richard Burton

The Canonisation

Work length2:14
  • Richard Burton

The Triple Fool

Work length1:15
  • Richard Burton

Song: Sweetest love, I do not go

Work length1:51
  • Richard Burton

The Legacie

Work length1:20
  • Richard Burton

A Feaver

Work length1:21
  • Richard Burton

The Anniversary

Work length1:46
  • Richard Burton

The Flea

Work length1:29
  • Richard Burton

The Curse

Work length1:42
  • Richard Burton

A Nocturnall

Work length2:48
  • Richard Burton

The Apparition

Work length1:02
  • Richard Burton

A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning

Work length2:02
  • Richard Burton

The Extasie

Work length3:50
  • Richard Burton

The Funerall

Work length1:15
  • Richard Burton

The Relique

Work length1:45
  • Richard Burton

Elegy I: A Jealosie

Work length1:54
  • Richard Burton

Elegy VIII: The Comparison

Work length3:16
  • Richard Burton

Elegy VII: Natures lay Ideot

Work length1:45
  • Richard Burton

The first alteration, The first grudging of the sicknesse (I)

Work length3:28
  • Herbert Marshall

The Physician is afraid (VI)

Work length2:58
  • Herbert Marshall

From the Bells of the Church adjoyning, I am daily remembered of my buriall in the funeralls of others. (XVI)

Work length4:22
  • Herbert Marshall

Now, this Bell tolling sfotly for another, saies to me, Thou must die (XVII)

Work length5:12
  • Herbert Marshall

The Bell rings out, and tells me in him, that I am dead (XVIII)

Work length6:28
  • Herbert Marshall

It is not enough to hear Sermons (Whitehall. Before the King. 16th February, 1620 / 1)

Work length2:22
  • Herbert Marshall

Wee are all conceived in close Prison. (To the Lords upon Easter Day at the Communion, the King being dangerously sick at New-market. 28th March, 1619)

Work length1:10
  • Herbert Marshall

When I look upon God (St. Paul's. 'The Fifth of My Prebend Sermons Upon My Five Psalms.' 1627)

Work length2:08
  • Herbert Marshall

Our God is not out of breath (Preached at the Spital. 22nd April, 1622)

Work length1:09
  • Herbert Marshall

When we consider with a religious seriousness (Preached at the funeral of Sir William Cokayne, Knight, Alderman of London. 12th December, 1626)

Work length1:31
  • Herbert Marshall

That God should let my soul fall out of his hand (Preached to the Earle of Carlile, and his company, at Sion, after September 1662).

Work length4:45
  • Herbert Marshall

Alas, they, we , men of this world (St.Paul's. In the evening, upon the day of St. Paul's conversion, 25th January, 1628 / 9).

Work length3:22
  • Herbert Marshall

The Lord then, the Son of God (Lincoln's Inn. Sunday after Trinity. 1612?).

Work length2:58
  • Herbert Marshall