My Fair and Rare One: Music for a Scottish Drawing Room
Sarah Hill (harp), Ian Giles (baritone), Sara Stowe (soprano), Niall Mushet (bagpipe), Jenny Thomas (flute), Martin Souter (piano)
Audio formats guideContents
trad.: Cumha MhicCriomainn
- Sarah Hill
trad.: Mairi Bhan Og
- Sarah Hill
trad.: By my ain fireside (Cradle Song) - Cailinn mo ruinsa [the Maid I Adore] - Fairy lullaby
- Sara Stowe, Ian Giles, Niall Mushet, Sarah Hill
anon.: The Yellow Hair'd Laddie
- Jenny Thomas, Martin Souter
trad.: These Are My Mountains
- Sara Stowe, Ian Giles, Niall Mushet, Sarah Hill
anon.: Hooly and Fairly
- Sara Stowe, Jenny Thomas, Martin Souter
anon.: Waly, Waly
- Sara Stowe, Jenny Thomas, Martin Souter
anon.: Polwart on the Green
- Sara Stowe, Jenny Thomas, Martin Souter
trad.: Doctor Rose's 50th Welcome to the Argyllshire Gathering - Angus Mackinnon - Benguallion
- Sara Stowe, Ian Giles, Niall Mushet, Sarah Hill
trad.: My fair and rare one
- Ian Giles