Music for Queen Mary: A Celebration of the Life and Death of Queen Mary
Leigh Nixon - Michael Lees - Martin Neary - New London Consort - Westminster Abbey Choir, Leigh Nixon (tenor), Michael Lees (countertenor), Martin Neary (harpsichord), Westminster Abbey Choir, New London Consort, Ian Bostridge (tenor), Emma Kirkby (soprano), Evelyn Tubb (soprano), Michael Chance...
Audio formats guideContents
Purcell: I was glad when they said unto me, Z19
- New London Consort
- Westminster Abbey Choir
- Martin Neary
Purcell: Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem, Z46
- Westminster Abbey Choir, New London Consort
- Martin Neary
Blow: Whilst he abroad does like the sun
- Emma Kirkby (soprano), Martin Neary (harpsichord), Leigh Nixon
- New London Consort
- Martin Neary
Blow: The sullen years are past
- Ian Bostridge (tenor), Martin Neary (organ), Leigh Nixon, Michael Lees
- New London Consort
- Martin Neary
Purcell: Stript of their green our groves appear, Z444
- Evelyn Tubb (soprano), Martin Neary (harpsichord), Leigh Nixon, Michael Lees
- New London Consort
- Martin Neary
Purcell: Ode for Queen Mary's Birthday, Z. 323
- Martin Neary (harpsichord), Martin Neary (organ), Michael Chance (countertenor), Ian Bostridge (tenor), Stephen Richardson (bass), Simon Birchall (bass), Emma Kirkby (soprano)
- New London Consort, Westminster Abbey Choir
- Martin Neary
Symphony I
Chorus: Now does the glorious day appear
Verse: Not any one such joy could bring
Purcell: O dive custos Auriacae domus, Z504
- Emma Kirkby (soprano), Evelyn Tubb (soprano), Leigh Nixon, Michael Lees
- New London Consort
- Martin Neary
Purcell: Incassum Lesbia, incassum rogas ('The Queen's Epicedium'), Z383
- Emma Kirkby (soprano), Leigh Nixon
- New London Consort
- Martin Neary
Thomas Tollet: The Queen's Farewell. March
- New London Consort
- Martin Neary
Paisible: The Queen's Farewell. March
- New London Consort
- Martin Neary
Purcell: Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary, Z. 860: March
- New London Consort
- Martin Neary
Morley: The Burial Service: I am the resurrection
- Westminster Abbey Choir, New London Consort
- Martin Neary
Purcell: The Burial Service: Thou knowest, Lord, Z. 58C
- Westminster Abbey Choir, New London Consort
- Martin Neary
Purcell: The Burial Service: Canzona, Z. 780
- New London Consort
- Martin Neary
Morley: The Burial Service: I heard a voice
- Westminster Abbey Choir, New London Consort
- Martin Neary