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Pinchgut Opera – Handel: Semele

Tobias Cole (counter-tenor), Stephen Bennett (bass), Angus Wood (tenor), Sally-Anne Russell (mezzo-soprano), Anna Ryberg (soprano), Craig Everingham (bass), Belinda Montgomery (soprano), Shelli Gilhome (soprano), Paul McMahon (tenor)

Sirius Ensemble, Cantillation, Antony Walker

No digital booklet included


Handel: Semele, HWV 58 / Act 1

Work length42:28
  • Craig Everingham (bass (vocal)), Tobias Cole (countertenor), Anna Ryberg (soprano), Stephen Bennett (bass (vocal)), Sally-Anne Russell (mezzo-soprano)
  • Sirius Ensemble, Cantillation
  • Antony Walker
  • Recorded: 2003


Track length6:52

Behold! auspicious flashes arise

Track length1:40

Lucky omens bless our rites

Track length2:37

Daughter, obey

Track length1:08

Ah! me! - O Jove!

Track length2:57

See she blushing turns her eyes

Track length0:20

Alas! she yields, and has undone me

Track length0:43

Why dost thou thus untimely grieve?

Track length2:52

Avert these omens, all ye pow'rs!

Track length1:53

Again auspicious flashes rise

Track length0:39

Thy aid, pronubial Juno, Athamas implores!

Track length0:17

Cease your vows

Track length0:32

O Athamas, what toture hast thou borne!

Track length0:31

Turn, hopeless lover, turn thy eyes

Track length4:16

She weeps!

Track length0:25

Your tuneful voice my tale would tell

Track length5:07

Too well I see, thou wilt not understand me

Track length0:57

You've undone me

Track length2:24

Ah, Wretched Prince, Doom'd to Disastrous Love!

Track length1:51

Endless pleasure, Endless Love

Track length4:27

Handel: Semele, HWV 58 / Act 2

Work length49:10
  • Shelli Gilhome (soprano), Anna Ryberg (soprano), Angus Wood (tenor), Belinda Montgomery (soprano), Sally-Anne Russell (mezzo-soprano)
  • Sirius Ensemble, Cantillation
  • Antony Walker
  • Recorded: 2003


Track length1:27

Iris, impatient of thy stay

Track length0:52

There from mortal cares retiring

Track length3:56

No more! I'll hear no more!

Track length1:49

Hence, Iris, hence away

Track length3:11

Come, Zephyrs, Come

Track length6:08

Oh sleep, why dost thou leave me?

Track length3:16

Let me not another moment bear the pangs of absence

Track length0:21

Lay your doubts and fears aside

Track length3:10

You are mortal and require time to rest

Track length0:25

With fond desiring

Track length3:21

How engaging, how endearing

Track length1:20

Ah me! why sighs my Semele!

Track length1:19

I must with speed amuse her

Track length3:35

Now Love that everlasting boy invites

Track length2:27

By my command

Track length1:05

Where'er you walk

Track length4:26

Dear Sister, how was your passage hither?

Track length0:44

But hark! The Heavenly Sphere

Track length2:05

Prepare then, ye immortal choir

Track length1:59

Bless the glad earth with heav'nly lays

Track length2:14

Handel: Semele, HWV 58 / Act 3

Work length58:39
  • Belinda Montgomery (soprano), Stephen Bennett (bass (vocal)), Anna Ryberg (soprano), Angus Wood (tenor), Paul McMahon (tenor), Sally-Anne Russell (mezzo-soprano), Tobias Cole (countertenor)
  • Sirius Ensemble, Cantillation
  • Antony Walker
  • Recorded: 2003

Larghetto e piano per tutto

Track length1:16

Somnus, awake! Raise thy reclining head!

Track length0:27

Leave me, loathsome light

Track length3:27

Dull God, Canst Thou Attend the Water's Fall

Track length0:34

More sweet is that name

Track length2:33

My will obey, she shall be thine

Track length1:12

Obey my will

Track length1:47

My racking thoughts by no kind slumbers freed

Track length3:10

Thus shap'd like Ino

Track length1:43

Myself I shall adore

Track length6:41

Be wise, as you are beautiful

Track length1:49

Thus let my thanks be pay'd

Track length2:32

Rich odours fill the fragrant air

Track length0:21

Come to my arms, my lovely fair

Track length3:46

O Semele! Why Art Thou Thus Insensible?

Track length0:09

I ever am granting, you always complain

Track length2:03

Speak, Speak Your Desire

Track length0:42

You'll grant what I require?

Track length0:13

Then cast off this human shape

Track length0:26

Ah, take heed what you press!

Track length1:17

No, No, I'll take no less

Track length4:06

Ah, whither is she gone?

Track length2:47

Above measure is the pleasure, which my revenge supplies

Track length3:06

Ah me, too late I now repent

Track length2:51

Of my ill-boding dream

Track length0:13

Oh, terror and astonishment

Track length3:45

How I was hence remov'd

Track length0:54

See from above the belling clouds descend

Track length0:13

Sinfonia: Apollo come

Track length1:22

Apollo comes, to relieve your care

Track length0:48

Happy shall we be

Track length2:26