Special offer. Cleve: Missa Rex Babylonis & other works
These singers are always nicely in tune and effectively blended, especially in the slower movements of the Mass where they strongly project the chordal colouring in the ‘Qui tollis’ and perfectly... — More…
Gramophone MagazineAugust 2020Editor's Choice
Original price ($16.75) Reduced price $8.37Contents
Cleve: Carole qui veniens
- Cinquecento
I. Carole qui veniens a Caesare
II. En tibi gratantes
Cleve: Missa Rex Babylonis
- Cinquecento
Ia. Kyrie I
Ib. Christe
Ic. Kyrie II
Cleve: Es wel uns Gott genedig sein
- Cinquecento
Cleve: Laudate Dominum
- Cinquecento
I. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes
II. Gloria Patri, et Filio
Cleve: Timete Dominum
- Cinquecento
I. Timete Dominum omnes sancti eius
II. Divites eguerunt et esurierunt
Cleve: Credo quod redemptor
- Cinquecento
I. Credo quod redemptor meus vivit
II. Reposita est haec spes mea
Cleve: Carole cui nomen
- Cinquecento
Vaet: Rex Babylonis
- Cinquecento
I. Rex Babylonis venit ad lacum
II. Tunc rex ait