Peaceful Choir - New Sound of Choral Music
Lavinia Meijer (harp), World Choir for Peace, Nicol Matt (chorus master), Lavinia Meijer & Esther Abrami & World Choir for Peace feat. Tim Allhoff & Gereon Theis, Esther Abrami, Tim Allhoff, Gereon Theis, Josefa Schmidt, Maarja Nuut, World Choir for Peace & David Reichelt, Kammerchor...
2 CDs
Audio formats guideContents
Rutter: The Music's Always There With You
- Lavinia Meijer, World Choir for Peace, Nicol Matt (chorus master)
Jenkins, K: Healing Light: A Celtic Prayer
- Lavinia Meijer, Esther Abrami, World Choir for Peace, Tim Allhoff (piano), Gereon Theis (violoncello)
Hagenberg: O Love
- Gereon Theis, Josefa Schmidt, World Choir for Peace, Nicol Matt (chorus master)
Gjeilo: Serenity
- Esther Abrami, World Choir for Peace, Nicol Matt (chorus master)
Nuut: Threads
- Maarja Nuut, World Choir for Peace, Nicol Matt (chorus master)
Brahms: Wandering Soul (arr. for Choir from Hungarian Dance No.1, WoO 1 by David Reichelt)
- World Choir for Peace & David Reichelt, World Choir for Peace, Nicol Matt (chorus master)
Ostafew: Ave Maria
- World Choir for Peace, Nicol Matt (chorus master)
Elder: Lullaby (from Three Nocturnes)
- Lavinia Meijer, World Choir for Peace, Nicol Matt (chorus master)
Jake Runestand: Let My Love Be Heard
- World Choir for Peace, Nicol Matt (chorus master)
Arnesen: Eja Mater
- Lavinia Meijer, Gereon Theis, World Choir for Peace, Nicol Matt (chorus master)