My Choice
Andres Linetzky's Vale Tango
Andrés Linetzky, Vale Tango
Audio formats guideContents
Linetzky: Aiumanu (Live)
Work length2:29
- Vale Tango
Bardi, A: Lorenzo (Live)
Work length3:19
- Vale Tango
Linetzky: Las huellas en el mar (Live)
Work length2:41
- Vale Tango
Belz (Live)
Work length4:36
- The Linetzky Family
Flores, C V G: La cautiva (Live)
Work length2:39
- Vale Tango
Linetzky: Supermilonga (Live)
Work length3:47
- Vale Tango
Linetzky: Entonces (Live)
Work length3:43
- Vale Tango
Suite mozaica (Live)
Work length2:33
- The Linetzky Family
Caro: El monito (Live)
Work length2:48
- Tangata Rea
Linetzky: Un domingo siete (Live)
Work length2:13
- Vale Tango