Composed music to accompany the iconic silent movie, Finis Terrae (1929). Inspired and created for one of film maker Jean Epstein's greatest productions, Vincent Courtois delivers an original score and shares his musical interpretation of one of the most iconic silent films in cinema history. Vincent and his ensemble, composed ofRobin Fincker,Sophie Bernado,Janick Martin,andFran?ois Merville, take us to the edge of the world with untamed and gripping music. Composed for the creation of a film concert in 2021, this score, of undeniable autonomy, feeds our imagination and transports us to the tumultuous coast of Brittany. The authentic performance of these talented artists on cello, clarinet, tenor saxophone, bassoon, accordion, and drums enhances and strengthens all the sensations conveyed by this beautiful artistic piece which embodies the word "freedom". Vincent Courtoiscello Robin Finckerclarinet and tenor saxophone Sophie Bernadobassoon Janick Martinaccordion Fran?ois Mervilledrums