A captivating anthology of British clarinet compositions curated and performed by versatile musician Ronald Woodley and pianist Andrew West. This collection explores British musical modernism, featuring both new and underappreciated pieces from the twentieth century by composers Elisabeth Lutyens, Angela Elizabeth Slater, Morris Pert, Christopher Fox, and Edward Cowie. Woodley's deep-rooted fascination for the basset horn, inspired by Lutyens, drove him to rediscover the world of British musical modernism, revealing its complexities and dynamics. Notable compositions in the anthology include Elisabeth Lutyens' "This Green Tide" for the basset horn, Angela Elizabeth Slater's "Around the Darkening Sun" for bass clarinet and piano, Morris Pert's "Luminos" for basset horn and piano, Christopher Fox's "This has happened before" featuring multitracked bass clarinets, and Edward Cowie's "Heather Jean Nocturnes" inspired by visual art. This collection is a valuable addition for clarinet enthusiasts and music lovers, shedding light on the lesser-known gems of British music and showcasing the power of artistic collaboration across mediums, offering a glimpse into the evolution of British music. Ronald Woodley has a distinguished academic background, holding the title of Emeritus Professor of Music at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. His career spans the roles of clarinettist, chamber pianist, and musicologist. Trained at the Royal Northern College of Music, he completed a doctorate in musicology at Keble College, Oxford. Woodley has been the dedicatee of numerous works by esteemed composers and has recorded a wide range of music, including bass clarinet compositions and twentieth-century British song. As a respected musicologist, he specializes in late medieval music theory, particularly the fifteenth-century musician Johannes Tinctoris, and has conducted research on various composers and early recordings. In his chamber pianist role, he has collaborated with renowned tenor James Geer and pianist Andrew West. Andrew West, an accomplished pianist with a deep connection to contemporary music, has premiered works by renowned composers like Birtwistle, Henze, Goehr, and Wigglesworth in collaboration with prominent vocalists such as Mark Padmore and Roderick Williams. He also enjoys a long-standing partnership with flautist Emily Beynon, embarking on a five-CD project that explores flute and piano repertoire dating back to the Second World War. Andrew's extensive discography includes recordings with various artists, including Strauss, Les Six, and Schubert. He serves as Chairman and Artistic Director of the Kirckman Concert Society and holds positions at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and the Royal Academy of Music, where he was recently named a Fellow.