Boesmans - Yvonne, Princesse de Bourgogne
Boesmans: Yvonne, Princesse de Bourgogne
Dorte Lyssewski (Yvonne), Mireille Delunsch (Le Reine Marguerite), Paul Gay (Le Roi Ignace), Yann Beuron (Le Prince Philippe), Victor von Halem (Le Chambellan), Hannah Esther Minutillo (Isabelle), Jason Bridges (Cyrille), Jean-Luc Ballestra (Cyprien), Guillaume Antoine (Innocent), Marc Cossu-Leaonian...
On CD Boesman's eclectic and attractive score comes to the fore, with plenty of sources of reference, from Strauss and Koechlin to Bernstein...Mireille Delunsch's spell-binding lyrical outpouring... — More…
Opera, November 2011, Recording of the Month
2 CDs
$28.25 -