Agricola, A - Allez, regretz
Mundus et Musica
Instrumental Music in Spain and Flanders c.1500
Qualia Trio: Lambert Colson (cornetto & recorders), Anna Danilevskaia (viella) & Christophe Deslignes (organetto)
It must be agreed that this is a somewhat specialist CD. It’s possible that, at fifty-three minutes, you might feel somewhat short-changed by this disc but the playing is so fine and the repertoire... — More…
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Alexander Agricola - Fortuna Desperata
Secular music of the 15th century
Unicorn Ensemble, Michael Posch
Agricola was praised by his contemporaries for the bizarre turn of his inspiration, and his music likened to quicksilver. By the standards of the period this is a highly unusual turn of phrase,... — More…
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