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David Monrad Johansen

Born: 8th November 1888, Vefsn, Norway

Died: 20th February 1974, Bærum, Norway

Nationality: Norwegian

David Monrad Johansen was a Norwegian composer.

He was born in Vefsn and grew up near Mosjøen, where he received his first piano lessons. He came to Christiania (Oslo) in 1904 to study at the conservatory there, and he continued taking lessons with Catharinus Elling, Iver Holter and others until he went to Berlin in 1915 for further studies. In 1920, he went for a study trip to Paris, and here Stravinsky’s music came to make a huge impression on him. In addition he met Fartein Valen, which inspired him to start studying dissonant counterpoint.

Recent Best Sellers: Johansen, D