English Lute Songs. Book 2
- Composer: Dowland
- Composer: Jones, Robert
- Composer: Martin, Richard
- Composer: Mason, G R
- Composer: Rosseter
Sheet Music
- Dowland: Awake, sweet love
- Dowland: Cleare and Cloudie sweet as Aprill showring
- Dowland: Come again, sweet love doth now invite
- Dowland: Come away, come, sweet love
- Dowland: Daphne was not so chaste
- Dowland: Far from triumphing Court
- Dowland: Farewell unkind farewell
- Dowland: Fie on this feigning
- Dowland: Fine knacks for ladies
- Dowland: Flow my teares (Lacrimæ)
- Dowland: Flow not so fast, ye fountains
- Dowland: I saw my Lady weepe
- Dowland: If my complaints could passions move
- Dowland: In darkness let me dwell
- Dowland: Lady, if you so spite me
- Dowland: Now, O now, I needs must part
- Dowland: Shall I sue?
- Dowland: Sleep, wayward thoughts
- Dowland: Sorrow, stay
- Dowland: Sweet stay awhile
- Dowland: Time stands still
- Dowland: To ask for all thy love
- Dowland: Toss not my soul
- Dowland: Weepe you no more, sad fountaines
- Dowland: What if I never speed?
- Dowland: When Phoebus first did Daphne love
- Jones, Robert: Fie, what a coil is here!
- Jones, Robert: Go To Bed, Sweet Muse
- Jones, Robert: My father fain would have me take a man
- Jones, Robert: My love hath her true love betrayed
- Jones, Robert: What if I seek for love of thee?
- Martin, Richard: Change thy mind since she doth change
- Mason, G R: Dido was the Carthage Queen
- Morley: Absence, hear thou my protestation
- Morley: I saw my lady weeping
- Morley: It was a lover and his lass
- Morley: O Grief, even on the bud
- Pilkington: Diaphenia
- Pilkington: Down-a-down
- Pilkington: Now let her change
- Pilkington: Rest sweet Nimphs
- Rosseter: If I hope I pine
- Rosseter: If she forsake me
- Rosseter: Kind in unkindness
- Rosseter: Shall I come if I swim?
- Rosseter: Sweet come again
- Rosseter: Though far from joy
- Rosseter: What then is love but mourning?
- Rosseter: When Laura smiles