Quantity deal. Ward, John: First Set of Madrigals (1613)
- Composer: Ward, J
- Editor: Fellowes, Edmund
Sheet Music
- A satyr once did run away (SSAT)
- Come, sable night (SSATTB)
- Die not, fond man (SSAA (or T) TB)
- Flora, fair nymph (SSAT (or A) B)
- Fly not so fast (SSA)
- Free from Love’s bonds (SSA (or T) B)
- Go, wailing accents (SSA)
- His heart his wound received (SSA)
- Hope of my heart (SSATB)
- How long shall I? (SST (or A) B)
- I have entreated (SSAATB)
- If the deep sighs (SSATTB)
- In health and ease am I (SSA (or T))
- Love is a dainty (SSAT)
- My true love hath my heart (SSA)
- O divine love (SSAA (or T) TB)
- O my thoughts, surcrease (SAA (or T) T (or B))
- O say, dear life (SSA (or T))
- Oft have I tender'd (SSAT (or A) TB)
- Out from the vale (SSAT (or A) BB)
- Phyllis, the bright (SSATB)
- Retire, my troubled soul (SSATBB)
- Sweet Philomel (SSATB)
- Sweet pity, wake (SST (or A) B)
- There's not a grove (SSAT (or A) TB)
- Upon a bank of roses (SSATB)
- Weep forth your tears (SSATTB)
- Ye sylvan nymphs (SSA (or T) T (or B) B)