Special offer. An English Ladymass
13th and 14th-century chant and polyphony in honor of the Virgin Mary.
Anonymous 4
Surely this is the sound of heaven. —
anon.: Prosa: Gaude virgo salutata (chant)
anon.: Polyphonic Song: Edi beo thu hevene quene
anon.: Introit: Salve mater redemptoris - Salve lux langentium - Salve sine spina - Salve sancta parens
anon.: Motet: Lux polis refulgens - Lux et gloria
anon.: Kyrie, Kyria christifera (English Ladymass, Salisbury, 13th & 14th c.)
anon.: Gloria
anon.: Motet: Spiritus et alme - Gaude virgo salutata
anon.: Song: Miro genere
anon.: Gradual: Benedicta et venerabilis
anon.: Alleluia: Alme iam ad gaudia - Alme matris dei - Alleluya per te dei